The Wicker Man
The Wicker Man begins with the main character Edward Malus driving down a highway giving tickets to wrongdoers when a car ahead of him drops a doll. Edward then picks up the doll and gives it to the people in the car ahead of him, when all of a sudden a truck smashes into the car, killing both people inside. A few days later, Edward is confronted by a fellow a police officer who gives him a note that says there is a missing child on an island named Summersisle. Edward then decides to go to Summersisle to find the child (Rowan), but is soon troubled when all of the residents of the island have no idea who Edward is talking about. After asking many people, he finds himself at a classroom, where there are only female children, all looking very similar to each other. Edward then looks at the attendance records of the class and finds out that everyone has been lying to him, and that Rowan existed after-all. After learning that Rowan actually existed, he asked the teacher (Sister Rose) where Rowan was, finding out that she was burned alive. Then Edward finds out that there is a festival, and follows where everyone is going; finding Rowan tied to a pole. Edward charges for Rowan and saves her, the follows her to safety, finding out that he was fooled the whole time and burns alive in the wicker man.
I found that throughout the entire movie there were many scenes that didn't contribute anything to the plot, including Edward Malus purchasing a book named "Everything's Okay", the book was brought up further in the movie, but did not have anything to do with the context of the storyline. Along with this, there were scenes that seemed to add details to the finding of Rowan, but as the movie progressed you find that the scenes didn't actually have any relevance towards finding her. The overall characters were interesting, as you slowly learned more and more details about the ways of Summersisle, but in the end of the movie none of it really seemed to add up; the ending was so abrupt. There were so many little details that could have lead up to a great ending, but instead lead to a simplistic and disappointing ending that was easily predictable from the start.
•Screenwriter: Neil LaBute, Anthony Shaffer

•Director: Neil Labute

•Year: 2006

•Star Actors' Names: Nicolas Cage, Ellen Burstyn, Kate Beahan

•Awards Received: Best Cinematography in Theatrical Feature urned
Nicolas Cage with this face -> D: 1/traceexcalibur-oh-god-not-the-bees-not-the
Nicolas Cage with bees around his face uld-attempt-the-wicker-man-edition/
Nicolas Cage in a bear suit