Matched, is a science fiction novel that
follows the life of a sixteen year old girl
named Cassia who lives in an over
managed society. This society controls
everything, your calorie intake,
recreational hours, job, social status, and
most important, your match. Cassia is at
her Match Ceremony when she finds out
she has been matched with her best
friend, Xander. What more could she ask
for? However, later that night, when she
tries to look on her micro card to learn
about Xander, his picture goes blank and
is replaced by another face. Cassia is
freaked out, but soon is calmed by an
official who assures her it's a mistake. By
and by she finds herself slowly getting
attracted to the other person who
appeared on her screen, another teenager
named Ky. Cassia and Ky find each other
growing to love each other, but their
romance is forbidden in the society, for Ky
is an out cast. How far will Cassia go to be
with Ky? The plot line goes through the
conflict of love versus the rules of The
The plot of Matched was exhilarating and fresh. There were new ideas
introduced along with new conflicts. What if everyone had a match?
What would it be like to be in a forbidden romance? This book brings
Cassia and The Society alive. Exploring the life of Cassia in an
overpowering society keeps the plot from being monotonous.
Comparing the culture in the book to the United States is one of the
most interesting thoughts stimulated by after reading this futuristic novel.
It offers a three book series (Crossed and Reached) on romance,
adventure, and new ideas of societies after the United States.
Although Matched offers many themes of many genres to appeal to
many readers, it is often is reported that it has the same theme as The
Giver. Unlike The Giver because it has intertwined romance into an over
controlling society and has a different outcome. The whole series of
Matched follows Cassia and Ky, what they will do to reunite themselves,
and the slow overturn of the society. The Giver clearly does not follow a
romance as much as Matched and has no definite ending compared to
Extra Info:
Further Details
Author: Ally Condie
Publisher: Dutton Juvenile
Year Published: 2010
Main Characters: Cassia
Reyes, Xander Carrow, and Ky
Awards Received: None,
however, a movie is in
Works Cited:
Provided: Matched Front Cover
Provided: Matched Bubble Image
Provided: Back Cover of Matched