Iron Man 3
Iron Man 3 is set in Malibu Florida. When Tony Stark's world is torn to pieces by a terrorist called The Mandarin he must go outside of his comfort zone to keep his wife, Pepper Potts, safe. Along the way as he fights his way back to Pepper he questions himself "does the man make the suit or does the suit make the man?" Tony Stark also has to face Aldrich Killian, a man met in the beginning of the film, who owns his own private organization called AIM which uses the extremis virus which imparts unusual levels of strength in ordinary people. Starring Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce, Rebecca Hall, Stephanie Szostak, James Badge Dale with Jon Favreau and Ben Kingsley, this action packed movie is exciting and has a thrill factor to it.
•After going to see the movie I have come to the conclusion that this is the best movie of the year. I was happy to see that Pepper Potts, Tony Stark's wife, has a larger part in this movie than in the previous films. The acting was amazing from my point of view. For example when Tony has a nightmare it's very believable. There were parts where I must say that the director had some very good ideas. Referring back to The Avengers in this film was smart thinking so that the audience could understand the plot better. There isn't one bad thing that I can say about this movie. I think that any one could like this movie but it is most obviously for people who love super heroes and people who love action movies.
The screenwriter for Iron Man 3 is Drew Pearce and he also wrote the screenplay for the upcoming Warner Bros. feature film "Godzilla". Pearce served as executive producer on the MTV's "Damage Control" and the UK's "High Spirits with Shirly Ghostman," on Television.
Shane Black, the director for Iron Man 3, wrote and directed the well- received "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang," wrote the screenplays for "Lethal Weapon 2,""The Last Bow Scout," "Last Action Hero" and "The Long Kiss Goodnight."
Iron Man 3 came out on May 3rd 2013
This movie stars Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, and Guy Pearce. 3